Andhra University ( Journals 2024 Print + Free Online )
International Journals
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Administrative Science Quarterly (Print + Free online)
  Alexandria (Print+Free online)
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science (Print + online)
American Journal of International Law (Print + Free online)
The Modern Law Review (Print + Free online)
The Journal of Finance (Print + Free online)
American Anthropologist (Print + Free online)
The Developing Economies (Print + Free online)
Advances in Developing Human Resources (Print + Free online)
Human Resource Development Review (Print + Free online)
International Sociology (Print + Free online)
Journal of Special Education (Print + Free online)
Teacher Education & Special Education (Print + Free online)
Journal of the History of Ideas (P) (Print + Free online)
  The Annals of Statistics (P) (Print + Free online)
Technometrics (Print + Free online)
Global Media and Communication (Print + Freeonline)
Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly (Print + Freeonline)
Political Studies (Print + online)
British Journal of Politics and International Relations (Print + online)
Politics (Print + online)
Political Studies Review (Print + online)
Current Sociology (Print + Freeonline)
Political Insight (Print + online)
International Journal of Mathematics (Print+ Free Online)
Mathematics of Operation Research (Print+ Free online)
Operation Research (Print+ Free online)
Journal of Teacher Education (Print+ Free Online)
Research on Aging (Print+ Free Online)
International Journal of Sociology (Print+ Free Online)
british Journal of Politics and International Relations (Print + online)
International Journal of Geometric Methos in Modern Physics (Print+ Free Online)
Speace Science Reviews (Print+ Free Online)
National E- Journals
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The Library Herald (Print+Free online)
Global Business Review (Print + Free online)
SEDME (Small Enterprises Development Management Extension Journal)
Management and Labour Studies (Print + Free online)
Psychology and Developing Societies (Print + Free online)
Journal of Human Values (Print + Free online)
Indian Journal of Physics (Print + Free online)
Indian Journal of Microbiology (Print + Free online)
Plant physiology Reports (Print + Free online)
Social Change (Print + Free online)
Journal of Health Management (Print + Free online)
Indian Journal of Gender Studies (Print + Free online)
Sociological Bulletin (Print + Free online)
Journal of Environmental Biology (Print + Free online)
Opsearch (Print + Free online)
Statistical Modelling (Print + Free online)
Journal of Parasitic Diseases (Print + Free online)
Indian Journal of Public Administration (Print + Free online)
Differential Equations & Dynamical Systems (Print + Free online)
Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India (Print+ Free Online)
Studies in History (Print+ Free Online)
Journal of Politics (Print+ Free Online)
Journal of Developing Societies (Print+ Free Online)